
AUDIOLABek Italiako Besenellon ospatuko den SIMPOSIO INTERNAZIONALE SUL PAESAGGIO SONORO ekitaldian parte hartuko du. Topaketa honek aurten Soinu paisaiak eta soinuzko identitateak izango ditu hizpide, hortarako nazioarteko adituak bilduz. Horien artean AUDIOLABen ordezkaritza betez Maiatzaren 23an Xabier Erkiziak “Lerro artean soinu paisaiak bilatzen” izeneko hitzaldia eskainiko du.

VII International FKL Symposium on aspects of the soundscape

2015eko Maiatzaren 22tik 24ra

Castello di Beseno, Besenello (Italia)


Friday May 22nd

. 10.00 am – Special-Event

[Chiesa di S. Agata, Besenello]

Concert: Pierre Mariétan CHANT XXXIV

. 11.30 am – Plenary session [Granaio]

Castello di Beseno


. 12.00 am – Plenary Session [Granaio]

Stefano Zorzanello (I) – Identity and sound identity, which relations within the landscape?

. 3.00 pm – Parallel Sessions

Session A [Granaio]

Lorena Rocca (I) – Differential spaciality and sound identities compared: Ongoing processess.

Massimo S. Russo (I) – Sounds and silence in form of identity?

Session B [Polveriera]

Nadine Schütz (CH) – The acoustic dimension of the

architecture of the landscape

Jean Marie Rapin (F) – Can acoustic science contribue to the quality of the sound environment?

. 3.50 pm

Presentation of Video-Sound Installations[Granaio][Polveriera]


. 4.20 pm – Parallel Sessions

Session A [Granaio]

Fabrizio Latrofa (I) – From the European Landscape. Convention to parish maps: identity mapping of sounds

Nicola Di Croce (I) – Unseeable landscapes. For an identitary redefinition of the sound landscape as intangible heritage

Session B [Polveriera]

Pierre Marietan (F) – Entity and acoustic environment exist only for he or she who listens

Richard Lerman (USA) – Transducers, Sound and Image (extra-event)

. 5.30 pm – Projects / books /works presentations [Polveriera]

. 6.20 pm – Listening session #1 [Bastione Sud o Granaio]

Nathan Hall (US) – Quick Tour (Minni Íslands)

Daniel Blinkhorn (AUS) – frostbYte – cHatTeR

Sam Salem (GB) – Too Late, Too Far

Stijn Govaere (B) – B’aakal

Pierre Thoma (CH) – Gares – stazioni

Benoit Bories (F) – Boyaca, une disparition

Elissa Goodrich (AUS) – Oration 2: This Old Man

. 7.00 pm – 11.30 pm – Video session [Polveriera]

. 9.00 pm – Listening session #2 [Bastione Sud o Granaio]

Katharina Klement (A) – Peripheries (stück II, stück III

Juan Carlos Vasquez (FIN) – Collage 4 “Landscape”

Una Lee (ROK) – Collage-S

Luc Messinezis (GR) – IsReal

Massimiliano Viel (I) – Allarme al Settimo Piano/ Alarm on 7th Floor

Nicolas, Rodriguez (RA) – El grito

Martina Claussen (A) – #Opera ; Dots & lines

Peter Plos, Paule Perrier, Luiza Schulz (A) – L.A.B.

Wolfgang Dorninger (A) – Text2field-recordings

Saturday May 23rd

. 11.00 am

Plenary Session [Granaio]

Xabier Erkizia (E) – SILENT SOUNDS – looking for soundscapes between the lines


. 11.50 am

Parallel Sessions

Session A [Granaio]

Dio Anemogiannis (GR) – Soundscaping Ouseburn Lives: An interdisciplinary study about the appropriation of sounds as intangible cultural heritage and their use in the heritage interpretation practice.


Karin Aras (S) – Listen to the Bazaar! A cultural understanding of Sound-rooms

Session B [Polveriera]

Laura Velardi (I) – The sound of fountains as a sound trace of urban identity


Mauro Graziani (I) – De-composing Verona soundscape: analysis of the soundprint of the city taken from an elevated position


Live streaming


Vacuamoenia (I)- Metascape

live streaming of the soundscape of Borgo Regalmici (Sicily)

. 3.00 pm

Parallel Sessions

Session A [Granaio]

Elisa Chiodo (I) – The role of Sound and Communication Design in promotion of the identity of a territory


Emiliano Battistini (I) – Do cities lose their voice? Reflections on the concept of soundmark beginning with four cities

Session B [Polveriera]

Mechi Cena, Francesco Michi (I) – Sound identities of virtual peoples


Giuseppe Furghieri (F) – Sound identity

. 3.50 pm

Presentation of Video-Sound Installations[Granaio][Polveriera]


. 4.20 pm

Parallel Sessions

Session A [Granaio]

M. Monari (I) – Ambienti sonori di vita e di lavoro: un caso di identitÃ


M. Viel (I) – Quello che diamo per scontato dei suoni intorno a noi

Session B [Granaio]

C.Methrap (TR) – Soundwalking in Kurtulus Park


D. Prior (GB) – Ringing The Changes: an investigation into sound and power

. 5.30 pm

Projects / books /works presentations [Polveriera]

. 6.20 pm – Listening session #3 [Bastione Sud o Granaio]

Francesco Fusaro (I) – A Room Of One’s Own?

Fabian, Avila Elizalde (MEX) – Irse (Leaving)

Alessandra Eramo (D) – 5am. ILVA’s drone and seagulls on Mar Piccolo’s wharf, Taranto (Italy)

– Soundscape of Taranto on Sunset.

– Flag-lowering cerimony of the Navy, Gunshots and Santa Claus, Sea waves and boats

Valery Vermeulen (B) – Mikromedas

Pietro La Rocca (I) – 1 Maggio Alimena-festa di S.Giuseppe

Alexandra Spence (AUS) – Nankai

Kazuya Ishigami (J) – OHENRO

Lucio Santin (I) – Sound and Change in Lampedusa

. 7.00 pm – 11.30 pm – Video session [Polveriera]

. 9.00 pm – Extra-event

[Bastione Sud]

The Elektronik Tea Time

Caroline Profanter e Lale Rodgarkia-Dara + guests

Sunday May 24th

. 9.00 am – Listening walk [Rio Cavallo]

. 10.30 pm – Parallel Sessions

Session A [Granaio]

A.C. Montibeller (PE) – Soundscape of Historical Center of Lima- Perú

J. Reinsel (USA) – Sound Cairns: Virtual Spaces

Session B [Polveriera]

L. Pisano (I) – Comunità acustica ed identità nell’ascolto: per una lettura critica dei paesaggi sonori della contemporaneità

Mocchi/Castaldo (I) – Il «patrimonio sensoriale» e la costruzione della cittá pubblica

. 11.20 pm – Presentation of Video-Sound Installations[Granaio][Polveriera]

. 12.10 pm – Parallel Sessions

Session A [Granaio]

A. Haun (D) – Denkmal – Hörmal

C. Whright (GB) – The Identity of the Everyday

M. Papadomanolaki (GB) – Perceptive Ecologies In Spaces Of Ephemeral Encounters

Session B [Polveriera]

R. Barbanti (F) – Elementi di analisi e di riflessione attorno all’esperienza dei Rencontres Architecture Musique Ecologie, del Collectif Environnement Sonore e della rivista Sonorités

S. Maino (I) – Sentire le formiche. Per una difesa del paesaggio sonoro. Il caso di Besenello

A.Radicchi (I) – Paesaggi sonori domestici. Una guida sonora al Mercato Centrale di San Lorenzo

. 3.00 pm

FKL General assembly [Granaio]


Friday 22nd – Saturday 23rd

. 7.00 pm – 11.30 pm – Video session [Polveriera]

Fiona Cashell (USA) – Getting Lost

Young Eun keem (NL) – Bespoke Wallpaper Music

Ground-to-Sea Sound Collective (I) – Ground-to-Sea Sound Collective_Stazione Calatrava

Chris Lynn, Una Lee (USA) – Miniature Landscape Correspondence

Matteo Pasin (I) – Hauptbahnhof | Porta Nuova

David Prior (GB) – Of This Parish

Duccio, Ricciardelli (I) – PORTO SONORO

Elisabetta Senesi (I) – Noise Calm Zone

Willy Van Buggenhout (B) – Winter Trees

Chris Wright, (GB) – Small Talk


Friday 22nd – Sunday 24th

. 11.00 am – 11.30 pm

Rory Tangney (IRL) – Breathe

[Porta Scura]

Alessandro Olla (I) – I’m because you are

[Casa delle Guardie]

Nicola Casetta (I) – Still Bells for Rovereto

[Torre Campanaria]

Christian Marchi (I) – Nachtlied


Aurélie Pertusot (F) – Marche à suivre

[Sala Camin nero]

VacuaMÅ“nia (I) – METASCAPE

[Sala Camin nero]

Stijn Demeulenaere (B) – Soundtracks

[Palazzo dei Mesi]

Carlo Benzi (I) – Algunder Klänge

[Palazzo dei Mesi]


[Sala Camin Nero]

Richard Lerman

The Danube, Vineyards and Carbon Fiber Rods

Video installation